A late night conversation with Jeffrey and Pinky. two of us had taken our night time meds.
This is an IM convo...
J: My uncle does very bizarre shit when driving and it totally freaks me out. I am so worried he will become like Mayo (a really old lady with dementia) and talk about dogs and animals and have Pica (that weird condition where demented ppl. are obsessed with eating non-food items...
STILL J: I am going to this place tonight which you would LOVE. It's called "the morgue"it looks like a church, but it's not a church. The building is a church building, though. Beth and I went inside once. Some of it was beautiful and some of it was just plain strange.
The part full of flowers and HUGE GOLDEN BUDDHAS, was so cool and beautiful. But the parts that had pictures of hot German studs and bowls of fake blood were a bit off. What was really strange is that it is full of crucifixions-- big ones-- w/ skeletons on the cross that have HUGE dildos sticking out of them. The weird old fat dude in platforms (like Michael Alig platform shoes) said that when a man is crucified, he gets a huge erection??? HuH? WTF, i googled that after... I went in and there was nothing about it (back then)... He's just a very eccentric guy who is like 60 and dresses so wild-- and everything his place deals with is politics-- not religion. The fence surrounding the property is covered with signs that say nasty things about "Republicans". So that's cool that they bash that Lame-O... I WONDER WHAT THEY'LL SERVE?? IT"S A DINNER PARTY. Bwahahahaha. And I am serious...
Pink: Only you could say Pica and make me piss my pants. I mean I am laughing so hard... MAYO! I absolutely adore Mayo and all the "dogs and animals" in her life.
You uncle will be fine, Rusty drives like she is blind, deaf and an inability to control her own muscle movement.
J: BTW I keep having dreams that keep coming true... WTF??? If only I could dream of winning copious amounts of cash.
Pinky: He said they get an erection WTF, he is so one of those guys that goes home to his Taxidermied cat and fucks it like its Dolly Parton... OMG...
J: lmao-- "He's one of those guys that goes home to his taxidermied cat and fucks it like it's Dolly Parton." I am so seriously laughing OUT LOUD. - That was one hell of a dinner party. Literally, there was like an exhibition which was like going into a demented artist's haunted house: with skeletons fucking and dildos covered in fake blood, creepy music, Hindu gods with massive erections (as statues)... and there were all of these super-intellectuals there who are all SERIOUSLY CONVINCED that George Bush is the Anti Christ. They base this on Biblical Prophecy, Then they start going on about "Dream Dimensions"... NO, I AM NOT KIDDING. THE DINNER PARTY FROM HELL. And yet, these people were all very intelligent. Some were professors! It was very interesting, to say the least. The food was all, like gourmet and top notch. There was a lady there reading the Tarot who looked JUST like Miss Cleo.You would have died, if you had gone we'd have another ten years of strange private jokes, easily!
Pinky: We can just add this to the long list of strange things we "talk about". Rusty just passed out with her webcam on, I can see her ...it's beautiful. Like a luck dragon was inflated and subsequently used as a trampoline. Ambien is rough tonight, going to bed. Love ya
J: Love on ya! Rusty is Cleo and Cleo is Lucky.