Check it out, Danvers State Hospital has a twin located in New York, Hudson River, located in Poughkeepsie, New York... It wicked pissed me the fuck off when they tear down beautiful Victorian architecture. I encourage everyone to sign petitions to keep these landmark buildings standing in your state. You can locate them online often. I signed the Danvers State Petition, but most of it got knocked down anyway, and the company that purchased the property didn't keep their promise and is getting rid of more all in the name of crappy condos. Don't quote me, but I'm pretty sure they are being dragged into court. Enjoy when all those poor fuckers move out, because everything is haunted. Good luck. What goes around comes around, bitches.
Look at the similarities between Danvers State Hospital and Hudson River Hospital...
In addition to both being super creepy, abandoned, and haunted.
This is Danvers State Hospital while they were tearing it down, assholes!
And, this is Hudson River Asylum.
And their distant cousins, creepy yet still...
Worcester State Hospital, also in Massachusetts, like Danvers State.
Waverly Hills freaks me out, its in Kentucky, I believe, and its on television alot. Somebody had purchased it. It housed many TB victims during times when TB was prevalent at the turn of the century and a little beyond.
Eastern Insane Asylum in Lexington, Kentucky.
Broughton Hospital in Morganton, North Carolina
Down south the history of asylums is even stranger, because they were of course segregated by race.