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David Bowies son meets us downtown


Rusty: going to Boston to catch the bus

Rusty: Central Square

Rusty: ok

Pink: ok

Pink: so one fine day in a  lovely  Massachusetts town...

Rusty: Yes, I have seen them do each other it’s a greasy awkward train to hell

Pink: I once was trapped under one of them and his tiny weenie peeny couldn’t get in so instead of screaming help rape I screamed Oh man, I won’t tell it will ruin your reputation…Ok moving along…

Rusty: to Boston via central square

Rusty: did we find that guy on the train in Boston?

Pink: we were planning on going to Harvard square

Pink: so we board the lovely 455 (the bus Rusty you pill popping slut)

Rusty: and this raunchy thin David Bowie-esque guy rode with us all the way until the theater district

Pink: haha

Rusty: he had one blue eye and one green eye

Rusty: it was a genetic defect he was defiantly David Bowie's illegitimate son

Pink: David Bowie is pissed, that his son was burned and beaten by Mick Jaggers evil wife, Bianca

Rusty: He tell’s us (random out of nowhere) his mother lit him on fire and threw him down the stairs

Pink: he started out with hi what are you kids up to??

Rusty: so now he has to use products but still it didn't go away

David pretends he doesn't know Bianca. Or at least, that he's not fucking her. (with Bianca Jagger) well well well, maybe there is truth to Rupert Bowies sad tale.

Pink: Bianca Jagger was his mother he said, Now I am thinking, she (Bianca) was upset because David was fucking Mick or vice versa, Bianca get’s pregnant while having a threesome with Mick and David, ( Bianca was pissed because her Husband Mick was dicking David during that whole dancing in the street fiasco) Bianca does not want David’s child or devil seed, so she waits until Rupert Bowie Jagger is a young adult and proceeds to set him on fire and through him down a large flight of stairs banning him for life… Leaving him scared and alone with nothing but his monthly cash supplement of 100k and a bag or proactive solution…

Rusty: he wanted us to go do coke with him in his hot tub

Rusty: or was it heroin

Pink: Coke and Heroin he just wanted a friend and a few hot bumps

Rusty: PRO DUCTS! (he kept talking about his products)

Rusty: hence why he was lost in Central Square

Pink: ok, so Rupert Bowie Jagger, has an accent, that cut’s through your brain like a steak Knife….

Rusty: yes he does he is English or insane one of those….

Pink: and seems to be lost in downtown Lynn pretty far away from London town if you ask me

Rusty: i thought maybe

Pink: he goes on this rampage, about why his father disowned him ( see reason above, Bianca threesome, stuff)

Rusty: you know they nickname everyone in England

Rusty: you will be cleo, you know you are so very cleo…. and he repeatedly called me cleo because he thought i looked like cleopatra

Rusty: angie annnnngie

Rusty: why did you throw jr. down the stayyyyyyy ayyyyyys!

Pink: haha

Rusty: angie annnnnngie why did you light him everywhere?

Rusty: with gasoline in your hand and a match in the other look at the tears in his two different colored eyyyyyyessssss


Pink: so kids.., says Rupert Bowie Jagger… here is my card it has a skyline beeper number on it

Pink: call me

Rusty: yeah we'll get right on that freak

Pink: and we will party in my hotel with my products, I want to rub my products all over you cleo and cunt whilst we get high

Rusty: dude i think we should have went and ripped off his products

Rusty: England has some good shit

Rusty: i think he did too

Pink: yes I would have shoved his proactive solution down my gothic pants

Rusty: dude so would i

Rusty: my cleopatra skin would have been so milky

Rusty: my white pasty gothic sheath

Pink: cleo wants my proactive solution

Pink: omg i was just going to type that

Rusty: lol!

Rusty: i am laughing so fucking hard lol

Pink: covered his face with your brown crocheted hat

Pink: hahahahaha

Rusty: lol!

Rusty: it wasn't brown

Rusty: it was maroon green and blue multicolored stripes

Rusty: it was fancy; i bought it at woolworth for a buck

Pink: omg that shit looked like shit, therefore brown by memory

Rusty: the coat was brown and corduroy

Pink: I know

Rusty: i loved that shit

Rusty: i was grungy fuck you lol

Rusty: i didn't wash my hair for a small period of time as well

Rusty: ewwwwwwwwwwwwww

Rusty: i just flashed a vision

Pink: nice... dirty bird

Rusty: yeah I was a dirty bastard

Rusty: for a short period of time

Pink: my products cost so much money, and I am in pain, tremendous amounts of pain. I just need to find a bag, do you have 5$ I can borrow?

Pink: I can pay you back, come to my hotel it's in Boston ( don’t remember the one, but it was by the Boston public garden…)

Pink: I will give you some of my products…my pour refining mask, is divine

Rusty: God he spent so much money on his "products" he could not afford a bag

Rusty: yeah we have to go buy some Georgia brown in powder blue(nail polish) now bye bye

Rusty: who invites seventeen year olds to their hotel room ewwwwwwwww,

Rusty: i worked at the shoe factory or i worked nowhere lol

Pink: hahahaaha

Pink: good times

Rusty: i loved the shoe factory..

Pink: Oh shit his name is Duncan, OMG that really was him… crazy

..Pink another blog for another day….


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